This application allows you to capture and analyze waveform data from an oscilloscope. You can visualize the data using various types of plots, including waveform and Bode plot.
The application assumes Channel 1 (Ch1) as the input and Channel 2 (Ch2) as the output on the oscilloscope. Based on this relationship, it calculates the transfer function G(s) = Vout/Vin, determining the frequency, gain, phase, and the complex number G(jω). This data is then plotted on Bode and Nyquist plots.
Typically, a sine wave is used to check the frequency response. The sine wave is generated using a function generator and injected into the input of the target circuit. The input is measured on Channel 1 (Ch1) of the oscilloscope, and the output of the target circuit is measured on Channel 2 (Ch2) of the oscilloscope.
The application sends commands to the oscilloscope to retrieve data. These commands are passive and do not alter any settings on the oscilloscope, ensuring that your oscilloscope's configuration remains unchanged.
For improved frequency analysis, having more waveforms on the oscilloscope screen is generally advantageous, but too many can destabilize the computations. Adjust the horizontal range as needed based on the observed results. Similarly, if the amplitude is too low, accuracy may be compromised. Adjust the vertical range to ensure the waveforms are visible. Additionally, an excessively long record length on the oscilloscope can slow down data transfer, which may degrade the user experience. A record length of approximately 20k is suggested as a practical guideline.
Measured frequency characteristics can be imported and displayed in LTspice. By clicking on Generate LTspice subckt, you can download the subcircuit file named "bode_plot_data00x.sub." The following link contains the demo circuit "rc_circuits_fra.asc" and the component "FreqResLoader.asy" needed to use "bode_plot_data00x.sub." After downloading both, open the schematic in LTspice, change the value of the component (FreqResLoader) to "bode_plot_data00x," and run the simulation. This will enable you to compare the analytical results with the measured data.
rc_circuits_fra.asc FreqResLoader.asyThis application was developed to improve the understanding of electrical engineering and control engineering. Although it aims to be highly reliable, it cannot guarantee that it will not affect your devices. Please be aware of the risks and use it with caution.